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Riffs: Hard Rock Park, Celebrity Lessons in High Def, Orbison's Buggy Honor, Cool Sleeveface Pics

Hard Rock Park Teams With Gibson from If you haven''t yet heard about Hard Rock Park, you can check out its official website to decide for yourself whether

Hard Rock Park Teams With Gibson


If you haven''t yet heard about Hard Rock Park, you can check out its official website to decide for yourself whether Led Zeppelin: The Ride is hokey or awesome. Gibson has hopped on board, and the park has erected the world''s largest guitar -- a Les Paul, of course!

Learn Your Favorite Songs - In 720p!

from TechCrunch

It''s kind of a dream come true to get your favorite songs explained to you by the guys that wrote and performed them. iVideosongs launched Monday, and though there aren''t a ton of artists involved at this point, its at least worth a once-over, though we don''t know how many old rockers we really want to see that clearly.

Roy Orbison''s Very Own Insect

from Live Science

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but we think that this honor might top it. Roy Orbison and his widow Barbara now have a beetle named after them. We would like to sincerely welcome Orectochilus orbisonorumto the animal kingdom, and we are investigating how to get a mosquito species named after our mother-in-law.
Albums rock

Reason #232 Why Albums are Cooler than CD''s

from some flickr gallery

You can make an album come to life!