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GALLERY: Show Us Your Gear - #1 Guitars, Vol. 2

Ever wonder what PG readers'' go-to axes are? From true classics to completely custom, your #1 guitars cover the full spectrum.

This 1993 PRS CE-24 has been Belknap's #1 since the day he found it in a pawn shop in 1994. I have had the neck stripped and refinished with 80 coats of gunstock oil,"" he says of the guitar's modifications. ""After trying four replacement pickup sets, I chose Dragon IIs as the best match for this maple-topped alder body. The DOA 5-way rotary was switched out for the popular 3-way toggle and push-pull tone control. Replaced the chrome tuning keys with ebony, and replaced all plastic parts possible on the guitar with brass parts. Numberless amber speed knobs replaced the original speed knobs, long gone by time of purchase."""

Want more? Check out Volume 1! To submit your #1 guitar for our next gallery, send an email with 1-3 photos and a caption describing the instrument to

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