fender amp mods

How to get more drive with a simple mod.

Hello Ask Amp Man fans. Well, this month I thought I'd do something a bit different. Instead of answering a reader question, I thought I'd make one up myself! I mean, why not? I write and read my column as well, so that makes me a reader, too! Here's my question to me.

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Fender’s popular Hot Rod DeVille—a 60-watt2x12 combo designed for portability and power.

Fender’s popular Hot Rod DeVille—a 60-watt 2x12 combo designed for portability and power.

Hi Jeff,
First of all, let me say I really enjoy reading your column every month in the best guitar magazine on the market. I need to know how to “tame” my Fender DeVille—it is the loudest 60-watt amp I’ve ever heard and I’m not wild about the overdrive channel. I can never get my volume past 2 before everyone is yelling for me to turn it down. I’ve thought about replacing the 6L6s with 6V6s, but what I’d really like to do is put some KT66s in place of the 6L6s. (Of course, that won’t help me tame the output at all.) Can you suggest any mods I can have done to help me with this problem?

From one Jeff to another, thanks and keep the great articles coming every month!
—J. Jeff Bissette

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