
From Box to Boost: Building StewMac's Two Kings Pedal
- YouTube

Curious about building your own pedal? Join PG's Nick Millevoi as he walks us through the StewMac Two Kings Boost kit, shares his experience, and demos its sound.

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The Music Dysmorphia Problem: Why You Dislike Your Own Playing
- YouTube

For so many musicians, the flaws in our playing stick out loud and clear. So, how can we let go and just play?

“Be your own artist, and always be confident in what you’re doing. If you’re not going to be confident, you might as well not be doing it.” —Aretha Franklin

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Reader: Daniel Creeron

Hometown: Charlton, Massachusetts

Guitar: Big Mamie

The T-style Big Mamie has a teak body, roasted-flame-maple neck, and ebony fretboard.

Built with wood from a World War II battleship, this reader’s guitar holds a lot of history.

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