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Reader Guitar of the Month

Meet Siccardi Number 28: a 5-ply, double-cut solidbody tribute to Paul Bigsbyā€™s ā€œHezzy Hallā€ guitar.

Reader: Mark Huss
Hometown: Coatesville, PA
Guitar: Siccardi Number 28

May we all have friends like Ed Siccardiā€”along with a rare stash of tonewoods and inspiration to pay tribute to a legendary luthier.

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Reader: T. Moody

Hometown: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Guitar: The Green Snake

Reader T. Moody turned this Yamaha Pacifica body into a reptilian rocker.

With a few clicks on Reverb, a reptile-inspired shred machine was born.

With this guitar, I wanted to create a shadowbox-type vibe by adding something you could see inside. I have always loved the Yamaha Pacifica guitars because of the open pickup cavity and the light weight, so I purchased this body off Reverb (I think I am addicted to that website). I also wanted a color that was vivid and bold. The seller had already painted it neon yellow, so when I read in the description, ā€œYou can see this body from space,ā€ I immediately clicked the Buy It Now button. I also purchased the neck and pickups off of Reverb.

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Reader: Daniel Switkin

Hometown: Oakland, California

Guitar: Doublecaster

Hereā€™s the doubleneck dream realized, and it only weighs 9 pounds, 5 ounces.

Taking a Squier Affinity Stratocaster and Mini Precision Bass, one reader created a super-versatile instrument for looping that he can pick, pluck, tap, and slap.

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Neilā€™s brother-in-law Billyā€™s Ovation, before Neilā€™s repairs.

Reader: Neil Crump
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Guitar: King of the Road

When his brother-in-law passed away, this reader made it his mission to repair his old damaged Ovation guitar as a gift to his niece.

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Name: Edward Sarkis Balian

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Guitars: The Van Gogh Brothers, Vinnie and Theo

The Van Gogh Strat, aka ā€œVinnie,ā€ built with a Canadian alder body and featuring a replica of the painterā€™s famous work.

This passionate builder designed a custom Strat/Tele pair, both adorned with hand-painted replicas of The Starry Night.

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