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Expand your playing by limiting your options.



  • Learn how to "trick" yourself into creativity.
  • Understand how to focus on a single rhythmic motif through a progression.
  • Develop a better sense of articulation, time, and phrasing.
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Improvisation is one of the great joys in music that celebrates spontaneity and self-expression. It gives us a chance to explore our instrument and what we naturally hear and feel in an open format. Limitations help challenge us to improvise inside specific parameters and, as a result, can break us out of our typical musical vocabulary.

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Theory isn't always the answer, and it doesn't help in the ways that you imagine it would.



  • Develop a larger chord vocabulary
  • Learn how to voice lead through a IIm7–V7–I progression.
  • Understand how to alter dominant chords.
{'media': '[rebelmouse-document-pdf 9458 site_id=20368559 original_filename="ConnectingChords-Apr21.pdf"]', 'file_original_url': '', 'type': 'pdf', 'id': 9458, 'media_html': 'ConnectingChords-Apr21.pdf'}

We're going to look at a simple jazz progression and talk about the struggle to make sense of some of these moves in the context of music theory. I want you to leave this lesson with new ways to think about chord progressions, and perhaps a different way to think about music theory.

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