barre chords

Donā€™t settle for those vanilla open-string shapes. Hereā€™s a way to unlock new sounds without difficult barre chords.

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Armed with his daring guitar style, Dave Matthews has remarkably expanded the instrumentā€™s vocabulary for singer/songwriters.



ā€¢Take a deep dive into Dave Matthewsā€™ unique and challenging guitar style.

ā€¢Learn new chord voicings you can use in your own songs.

ā€¢Spice up your playing with different rhythmic approaches.

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Dave Matthewsā€™ songwriting encompasses a vast array of styles, but along with his voice and an eclectic cast of musicians (namely the Dave Matthews Band), what most defines his sound is his singular guitar style. When I first became aware of DMB, I assumed Matthewsā€™ playing would be along the lines of other singer/songwriter projects of the eraā€”mainly open-position and barre chords, some fingerpicking, and possibly a few alternate tunings. But I would soon discover just how wrong I was.

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