chapman stick

Need to see it to believe it? Here are some Chapman Stick videos for your enjoyment and wonder.

After spending time talking with Virna Splendore and Emmett Chapman in this month''s interview and podcast, we figured it was necessary to gather up some great Chapman Stick videos to really show off what the instrument -- and its talented players -- are capable of. Enjoy!

This video from Greg Howard is a great place to start, with an explanation of how the instrument is played, followed by a quick demonstration:

The Chapman Stick is a versatile instrument that can be played serenely, as in this clip of Verna Splendore and Irene Orleansky playing "Meditation":

But can also take on distorted rock tones, as in this clip of Nick Beggs:

Just for fun, "Cantina Band" from Star Wars, played by Guillaume Estace:

For more Stick vids, check out Greg Howard''s YouTube channel, or just search "Chapman Stick" on YouTube for a ton of Stick videos, including old videos of Emmett Chapman playing his own invention.