
Reinventing the weekend warrior

Doug McAlexander, Russ Cooper and Britt Stein have landed the perfect gig. They feed their families with full time jobs during the week, while supplementing their income by playing the music they love on great boutique gear on the weekends in front of thousands of people. They don’t have to deal with smoky bars, drunken fans or questionable bookings in seedy neighborhoods. Best of all, their work has meaning.

Bassist Doug and guitarists Russ and Britt are three members of the worship band, CrossTalk. Playing together since 2000, their work is somewhat unusual. Instead of just playing at their home church, their goal is to help other churches incorporate contemporary worship into their services. Whether this is a four-year in-house stint, like they finished in August, 2007, or helping match churches with musicians, CrossTalk makes the music happen.

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