
EHX expands on the evil architecture of the Boss HM-2.

Excellent high-gain sounds. Much more versatile than you might expect. Flexible control set.

Extra controls can make some fundamental tones harder to find.


Electro-Harmonix Hell Melter


The manual for Electro-Harmonix’s Hell Melter proclaims that “a good starting point is to turn all knobs … to their maximum positions and play the heaviest riff you’ve got.” That bit of instruction, and the pedal’s semi-satanic $176.66 price tag, should give you a hint about what the Hell Melter is designed to do. But underneath all that underworld-oriented swagger is a pedal that—like the Boss HM-2 that inspired it—covers more sonic ground than you’d expect.

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Rig Rundown - Whores

Snap! Crackle! Pop! You've never heard T-styles deliciously deformed like this pair of steamrollers piloted by noise-rocker Christian Lembach.

As this Rundown unravels, your inner armchair expert (especially once we get to the pedals) may scream "gluttony." And you're not wrong, but Whores creator Christian Lembach doesn't care to be right.

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