evil eye fx

Less-corpulent, Big Muff-style tones that cut in many colors.

Unique, less-bossy take on the Big Muff sound that trades excess fat for articulation. Nice build at a nice price.

Some Big Muff heads may miss the bass and silky smooth edges.


Evil Eye FX Warg


Membership in the Cult of Big Muff is an endless source of good times. Archaeologically minded circuit-tracers can explore many versions and mutations. Tone obsessives can argue the merits of fizzier or fatter tone signatures. The Ace Tone FM-3 is one of the less famous branches on the Big Muff evolutionary tree, but one that every true Big Muff devotee should know. It came out around 1971 and it was among the first in a line of often-imaginative Japanese takes on the circuit.

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The Warg is a modern revamp of the Ace Tone ā€œFuzz Masterā€ FM-3, designed to offer uniquely aggressive high-gain options.

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