pedalboard power wall wart supply 9v battery ac

Godlyke''s new PA-9D aims to run all of your pedals with one wall jack

The PA-9 Power-All is the world’s first 2000 mA, single outlet power supply designed specifically for guitar effect users. Rather than waste money and natural resources on disposable batteries, users can now power their entire pedalboard from a single power supply that takes up only one outlet space!

The Power-All Deluxe Kit provides 9 volts DC at 2000 milliamps – more than enough current to power dozens of effect pedals, including up to 4 Line 6 Modelers. The Power-All Deluxe Kit can power eleven pedals out of the box, and comes complete with a variety of jumper cables that allow connection of phone plug, reverse polarity, digital, and battery-only pedal types. New Ten-Foot, 18-gauge output cable allows for longer power runs without an extension cord.

The Power-All’s special circuit design offers the lowest noise floor of any digital power supply on the market. The PA-9 now comes with a ferrite-core filter built onto its output cable to further reduce noise and hum. The PA-9 automatically converts any input voltage from 100-240 VAC to 9 VDC, allowing it to be used anywhere around the world.

Built to stand the rigors of the road, the Power-All features professional-grade construction and comes with a lifetime warranty. The Power-All is not sold through big-box retailers or jobbers and offers A+ margins to independent music retailers

The PA-9D Power-All Deluxe Kit comes complete with:
• Power-All 9 VDC, 2000 milliamp digital power supply
• Cable-11/R 11-lead right-angle Daisy Chain with spring-loaded jacks
• (1) Cable-Blue/R right-angle 3.5 mm Phone Plug Jumper Cable for use with EH and other vintage pedals
• (1) Cable-Green Line-6 Jumper Cable with spring loaded jack for use with Line 6 Modelers and other pedals requiring a 2.5 mm internal diameter jack
• (1) Cable-Green/R right-angle Line-6 Jumper Cable
• (1) Cable-Grey Battery Clip Jumper Cable for pedals with no AC input
• (1) Cable-Red/R right-angle Reverse Polarity Jumper Cable with spring-loaded jack (5) Cable Cap insulator sheaths to cover power leads when not in use

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