
The Dynamic 2040 HG DynaLead is backed with versatile tones that are easy to use

Every once in a while, a product breaks away from the norm and dares to be different than the rest of the pack. In the current golden age of gear, there are many, many great amps available—more than I’ll ever play in a lifetime—so it takes something extra special to stand out. In the case of the Dynamic 2040 HG DynaLead, I feel they’ve discovered a way to bring something unique to the table while still making it dead simple to operate and get great tones. Like any good design, you wonder why it hasn’t been done this way before. To be honest, I’d never even heard of the Dynamic brand until the amp arrived for review, but I’m sure that will change very soon. Again, I haven’t played every amp in the world, but the 2040 HG opened my eyes to a new design concept that works for me. Let’s take a look.

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