prs guitars

Jack Higginbotham, PRS COO, trains guitar makers on fretboard approval and round at Cor-Tek’s factory in Indonesia.

Paul Reed Smith believes “that it’s not about the country that an instrument is made in. It’s always been about the skill level of the guitar makers.” Here’s why.

For us, import guitars started when Carlos Santana asked, “Paul, can we make a PRS that’s much more affordable for all the students that talk to me about owning one of my guitars?” I said, “Sure. I’ll get you a prototype for your approval.” When we brought him the prototype, he was impressed, and his comment was, “This was made in America, right?” And I said, “No. This was made overseas.” The contract for his approval was on the table, and he leaned over and signed it as fast as he could. It was a good moment for him and my company because our integrities were on the line, and we had a product we thought was a real instrument.

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John Bohlinger & Tim Aven Play Guitar and Talk About Being a Pro Musician in Nashville
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The LANCO lead guitarist sits down with John Bohlinger and covers his journey from software engineer to touring pro, surviving the deep waters of Nashville’s music scene, and how he uses social media and YouTube as a resume. Plus, he and John jam it out!

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PRS DGT 15 David Grissom Signature Amp Demo | First Look
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The Texan tone tactician works with Paul Reed Smith & Doug Sewell to create a versatile amp that echoes the past, includes boost, reverb and tremolo and slips in some clever circuit options for maximum sounds.

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