res o glass

These Supro resonator variations were terrible-sounding acoustic guitars, but with the addition of a pickup? Magic.

Thanks to a period DeArmond gold-foil, this resonator runs the voodoo down.

As a resonator guitar player and designer, I get giddy when an oddball resonator comes through the door. I've loved these old hub-cap guitars ever since I was a kid, which I mentioned in the history of resonators I wrote for Premier Guitar's June 2018 issue ("Resonator Guitars 101"). I've worked for Dobro, Sho-Bud, and Washburn (where I have signature models) over the years and had my own Owens brand at one time. So, of course I got excited about this 1964 Supro/Valco Res-O-Glass Folkstar with a period DeArmond gold-foil pickup. It has a hint of Airline, too, but more on that later.

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