blackbird studios

Fig. 1

Bryan Clark shares pearls about deploying multiband compressors as sonic superglue—a sequel to last month's pointers for dynamic EQs.

Welcome back, everyone. Last time, I shed some light on using a dynamic EQ rather than a multiband compressor. There are many similarities on the surface, but people use them interchangeably with brazen ignorance of what they're designed to do. If you ever have to replace a bolt (say, from your amp chassis or a rackmounted piece of gear), you measure the diameter and length of the bolt, head down to your local hardware store, buy a replacement, and drive home. Only, after several failed attempts to replace the bolt, you might discover that you didn't get the right thread count and it will not screw in under any circumstances. What I'm saying is: Attention to detail matters. Especially in audio, where the difference between a good mix and a great one lies in your choosing the right tool for the job. The Dojo is now open, so let's begin.

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