
This “prettiest stompbox ever” contender is a monstrous fuzz of many colors.

In the 50 or so years that tinkering weirdoes have built stompboxes, we’ve seen a few that rated as design too: The Sola Sound Tone Bender MkII’s utilitarian Hammerite elegance. The Fuzz Face’s festive, candy colored, flying saucer perfection. Colorsound’s pop art fuzzes. Each combined sonic potential and visual appeal rivaling that of their guitar contemporaries. But now the design wing of the Stompbox Hall of Fame may have to clear some space for a fuzz from a little Pennsylvania company called CMandell, whose block of wood, wire, and metal called the Dutch Kazoo will contend for best-dressed stompbox on any stage.

Better still, the Dutch Kazoo screams. And the combination of adjustable gain stages and blendable filter make it one of the most unique fuzzes we’ve seen or heard in years.

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