diminished scale

It's time to move past the blues scale.



  • Learn how to use diminished and altered sounds over a IV chord.
  • Develop a better sense of voice leading.
  • Understand the basics of connecting guide tones.
{'media': '[rebelmouse-document-pdf 11231 site_id=20368559 original_filename="BluesIVChord-Jul21.pdf"]', 'file_original_url': 'https://roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/documents/11231/BluesIVChord-Jul21.pdf', 'type': 'pdf', 'id': 11231, 'media_html': 'BluesIVChord-Jul21.pdf'}

Let's talk about momentum. It's an essential part of any great solo, and when you're ripping over a 12-bar blues, the first spot to really demonstrate your mastery of the harmony is when the IV chord pops up. In this lesson, I'll demonstrate how to create some … fourward momentum … in your next solo.

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Don't be scared of diminished scales.



• Understand the mechanics of the half-whole diminished scale.

• Use basic triads to break from the fear of symmetrical sounds.

• Learn how to use bebop phrasing with wide intervallic leaps.

{'media': '[rebelmouse-document-pdf 9868 site_id=20368559 original_filename="DominantChords-May21.pdf"]', 'file_original_url': 'https://roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/documents/9868/DominantChords-May21.pdf', 'type': 'pdf', 'id': 9868, 'media_html': 'DominantChords-May21.pdf'}

It's nearly impossible to improvise over a tune without hitting a dominant chord. They are ubiquitous in rock, pop, jazz, country, and nearly every other type of Western music. I'm sure you've heard the phrase about how all music is based around tension and release? Well, I want to teach out how to make the tension cooler and the release more musically satisfying.

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