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Out on the road, the post-hardcore supergroup’s gunslinger works in pairs, with two guitars, two pedalboards, and a Twin.

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The Bristol bashers are back with an arsenal of new noisemakers on this updated Rundown.

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The author’s well-loved Freeze pedals. The original raw-metal chassis seen here has been replaced with a white finish on later editions.

How this simple sustain stomp helped me bring one of my favorite David Lynch scenes to life and took me across oceans.

There’s a scene in David Lynch’sMulholland Drivewhere Naomi Watts and Laura Harring’s characters find themselves in a darkened, mostly empty theater. Against a backdrop of spooky, synthy chords, they breathlessly watch the night’s oddball emcee deliver an intense, cryptic soliloquy on recorded sound. A trumpet player slowly walks onto the stage, the two characters clutching each other. They—and you—get fully drawn into his muted, jazzy lines. Suddenly, he pulls his instrument away from the mic, throwing his hands in the air. But the solo continues. The narrator looks to the audience: “It’s all recorded.”

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