
7 Tips to Improve Your Technique



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Guitar technique refers to the physical skills and abilities necessary to play the guitar with precision, speed, and clarity. It encompasses everything from finger placement to strumming and picking patterns, and is a fundamental aspect of guitar playing that separates beginners from more advanced musicians. Here’s a look at seven ways you can tighten up your technique.
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  • Develop a better sense of subdivisions.
  • Understand how to play "over the bar line."
  • Learn to target chord tones in a 12-bar blues.
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Playing in the pocket is the most important thing in music. Just think about how we talk about great music: It's "grooving" or "swinging" or "rocking." Nobody ever says, "I really enjoyed their use of inverted suspended triads," or "their application of large-interval pentatonic sequences was fascinating." So, whether you're playing live or recording, time is everyone's responsibility, and you must develop your ability to play in the pocket.

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This collection of apps can help you with learning tunes, mapping out the fretboard, navigating a tricky lick, or even inhumane metronome practice.

More than ever before, guitarists are on the go. Finding time to sneak in a bit of practice is tougher than ever. Below are a handful of apps that will not only open your musical mind, but make more mundane tasks a bit easier.

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