
Why you should consider tracking the acoustic sound of your solid-, semi-, or hollowbody axe in addition to the amp it's plugged into.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Dojo. This month we are going to do something rarely done and counterintuitive. We are going to mic our electric guitar in addition to the amp! Why? Because there is something to be gained. The Dojo is now open, so let's get started.

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How to use an indispensable DAW tool to focus tracks, find space in a mix, create vintage-style sounds, and more.

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Recording Dojo installment. You may recall that back in November 2020 I introduced you to the mighty HPF (high-pass filter) and how to employ its power. This time, I'm going to focus on the other side of the spectrum: the LPF (low-pass filter). A DAW's LPF does exactly what its name implies: It allows low-frequency information to pass and attenuates the high frequencies. Strategic use of an LPF can really help clean up your recordings and mixes by allowing you to control where and how much high-frequency information you wantā€”especially on groups of tracks where there might be a lot of high-frequency overlap.

Like its cousin the HPF, the LPF also has many of the same parameters and controlsā€”most importantly, the slope of the filter. The slope of the filter is represented by dBs per octave, and the higher the value, the steeper the slope. Typically ranges include -12 dB to -48 dB per octave, but sometimes higher values can be really effective, as we will see.

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Rig Rundown - Kurt Ballou

Convergeā€™s 6-string steamrollerā€”who also happens to be a famously heavy and in-demand producer (and gear designer)ā€”takes PG inside his GodCity Studio to talk mics, tracking, instrument building, and more.

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