SNAMM '16 - East Amplification Duality Series Demos Shawn HammondJuly 22, 2016VideoPG's Ask Amp Man debuts a whole new line of tube amps that are available in a 20-, 30-, 40- and 50-watt versions.videossnamm-2016tube-headeast-amplificationgear-show-demotube-combogearampswhats-new
SNAMM '16 - Outlaw Effects Lasso Looper, Six Shooter Tuner, & Iron Horse Power Tuner Demos Shawn HammondJuly 21, 2016Get hip to a handful of new utility items required for any pedalboard.whats-newvideossnamm-2016power-supplygear-show-demooutlaw-effectseffectsgeartunerlooper
SNAMM '16 - Hungry Robot Pedals the Wash & the Kármán Line Demos Shawn HammondJuly 21, 2016The Iowa-based company shows off two delays—one for the ambient player and one that has a modulating joystick that dives into oscillation madness.whats-newsnamm-2016videosgear-show-demodelayeffectshungry-robotgear