volume controls

An all-analog ’60s-inspired tremolo marries harmonic and optical circuits that can be used independently or blended to generate phasey, throbbing magic.

Spans practical, convincing vintage trem tones and the utterly weird. Hefty build quality.

Big footprint.


Jackson Audio Silvertone Twin Trem


Almost any effect can be used subliminally or to extremes. But tremolo is a little extra special when employed at its weirder limits. Unlike reverb or delay, for instance, which approximate phenomena heard in the natural world, tremolo from anything other than an amp or pedal tends to occur in the realm of altered states—suggesting the sexy, subterranean, and dreamy. Such moods can be conjured with any single tremolo. Put two together, though, and the simply sensual can be surreal. Modify this equation by mating two distinctly different tremolo types, and the possible sound pictures increase manifold.

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1950s gibson les paul

Ever been frustrated by how the two volume controls interact on a dual-humbucker axe? Here’s how to make them work independently.

Here's an easy but effective mod for Les Paul slingers that solves a problem they've been living with since the model's introduction more than a half century ago. This project also applies to most other guitars with dual humbuckers, individual master volume and master tone knobs for each pickup, and a 3-way pickup selector switch.

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