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GALLERY: Reader Pedalboards 2013, Part 1

We asked PG faithful to show us their pedalboards, and you delivered! In honor of our annual pedal blowout, we bring you 30 of our readers' personal stomping grounds.

This is "merely the start" for reader Ben Weir, who plans on expanding his pedalboard into a double-decker board. Here's the current setup in his own words: "I start with my Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon wah (the auto-switch function has spoiled me) which then goes into a MXR EVH Phase 90 on the script mode with a slow sweep, then my Akai Drive3 Overdrive, which I use to boost and tighten up my (Peavey) 6505+ combo. Obviously, we have the footswitch for that in the center. Coming out of the effects loop of the 6505+, I have a Modtone Minimod Analog Delay, which I have set as just a short, quite dark delay to give the guitar some space, as it were (I got the idea from Premier Guitar's John Herrington Rig Rundown). After that it goes into my Line 6 M5 Stompbox Modeler, which I mostly use for the Particle Verb reverb on cleans, and the octo reverb for synth-like sounds. After that I have my TC Electronic Ditto Looper for occasional solo jams, and then back into the amp."

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In our annual pedal report, we review 20 new devices from the labs of large and boutique builders.

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A familiar-feeling looper occupies a sweet spot between intuitive and capable.

Intuitive operation. Forgiving footswitch feel. Extra features on top of basic looping feel like creative assets instead of overkill.

Embedded rhythm tracks can sneak up on you if you’re not careful about the rhythm level.


DigiTech JamMan Solo HD


Maybe every guitarist’s first pedal should be a looper. There are few more engaging ways to learn than playing along to your own ideas—or programmed rhythms, for that matter, which are a component of the new DigiTech JamMan Solo HD’s makeup. Beyond practicing, though, the Solo HD facilitates creation and fuels the rush that comes from instant composition and arrangement or jamming with a very like-minded partner in a two-man band.

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Three thrilling variations on the ’60s-fuzz theme.

Three very distinct and practical voices. Searing but clear maximum-gain tones. Beautiful but practically sized.

Less sensitive to volume attenuation than some germanium fuzz circuits.


Warm Audio Warm Bender


In his excellent videoFuzz Detective, my former Premier Guitar colleague and pedal designer Joe Gore put forth the proposition that theSola Sound Tone Bender MkII marked the birth of metal. TakeWarm Audio’s Warm Bender for a spin and it’s easy to hear what he means. It’s nasty and it’s heavy—electrically awake with the high-mid buzz you associate with mid-’60s psych-punk, but supported with bottom-end ballast that can knock you flat (which may be where the metal bit comes in).

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