
Just like farm-to-table, your guitar, voice, and whatever else you’re cooking up needs a reliable delivery source.

If you're putting your first home recording rig together, or have been at it for years, you simply can't undervalue the importance of a good microphone or two—or five. There are hundreds of great options, so where to start? Here, to assist you on your search, we've rounded up a small gathering of solid ribbons, dynamics, and condensers.

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From $99 to $4000, we look at 18 tools for micing your cab.

Think about the inspiration we’ve all had from hearing an amazing electric guitar recording. I know it’s literally altered my career path, and I’m sure countless others will have similar stories. But getting that perfect sound from the speaker to tape is no easy task. There are infinite combinations of pickups, strings, amps, cables, instruments and players, each with their own tonality (and an endless number of opinions, too!). However, right up there in the order of importance is certainly the choice of microphone. Each selection will add a little something different to the sound, and no one choice is always the right one.

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