chorus pedals

Take your tone for a dip in the sonic deep end with our list of chorus stomps that range from simple analog offerings to heavy-hitting digital units.

From the Pretenders to the Cure to Nirvana, chorus pedals are a classic modulation device. Here are 10 pedals that will convince you that space is the place!

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First Look: EarthQuaker Devices Aurelius Tri-Voice Chorus
EarthQuaker Devices Aurelius Tri-Voice Chorus Demo | First Look

Chorus only begins to tell the taleā€”this machine is overflowing with modulation voices.

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Easy on the wallet, with an abundance of fun tones.

Growly low-gain voice. Punchy. Sounds great at wide open tone settings.

Might be too compressed or too high gain for some tastes.


Fender Hammertone Overdrive


Fenderā€™s most important gift to the effects cosmos is spring reverb. That legacy, however, tends to obscure other high points in the companyā€™s effects history, which is dotted with a few classicsā€”if not runaway commercial hits.

At appealing prices ranging from $79 to $99, the new Fender Hammertone pedals could easily be huge sellers. But what makes these effects extra attractive is that they donā€™t have the functional or operational feel of generic entry-level pedals. Most have a strong, even distinctive, personalityā€”at least compared to other inexpensive effects. They each come with extra features and voices that stretch the boundaries of the foundational tones. And if the voices arenā€™t always the most refined or lush when compared to more expensive analog equivalents or expensive digital units, they are fun and prompt a lot of musical sparks.

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