
PG's Rebecca Dirks is on location in Anaheim, California, for the 2013 NAMM Show where she visits the Hartman Pedals booth. In this segment, we get to see and hear producer Doug Grean (Glen Campbell, Stone Temple Pilots) demo Hartman's two newest fuzz pedals-- Germanium Crystal Valve Fuzz & Silicon Crystal Valve Fuzz.

PG's Rebecca Dirks is on location in Anaheim, California, for the 2013 NAMM Show where she visits the Hartman Pedals booth. In this segment, we get to see and hear producer Doug Grean (Glen Campbell, Stone Temple Pilots) demo Hartman's two newest fuzz pedals-- Germanium Crystal Valve Fuzz & Silicon Crystal Valve Fuzz.

The pedals are inspired by the Solasound SupaTonebender and the Vox Tonebender.

Berkeley, CA (December 11, 2012) -- Hartman Electronics has announced two new fuzz pedals, inspired by the Solasound SupaTonebender and the Vox Tonebender. Here are the details on the Crystal Valves from Hartman:

ĆÆĀ»ĀæHartman Electronics announces the release of two new fuzz pedals, the Silicon Crystal Valve and the Germanium Crystal Valve. Deriving inspiration from the Solasound SupaTonebender and the Vox Tonebender, Hartman's Crystal Valevs are highly musical and versatile fuzz pedals designed to let players access the most dramatic tones and textures available from overdriving the two different semiconductors.

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The Hartman Analog Flanger promises to be a faithful recreation of the old seventies EH Electric Mistress Flanger/Filter Matrix, based on a supply of the original chip type (SAD1024).

Hartman Analog Flanger
The Hartman Analog Flanger promises to be a faithful recreation of the old seventies EH Electric Mistress Flanger/Filter Matrix, based on a supply of the original chip type (SAD1024). Before plugging it in, I opened it up to inspect the build quality. The originals were poorly built and had lots of problems, but they did sound great when they worked. Based on my experience with other Hartman products, I was not surprised to see a well-laid-out circuit board with top-of-the-line construction techniques, along with quality carbon comp resistors and metal film caps. This should last a lifetime, unless you drop it off a building.

The unit has three knobs (Speed, Depth, Color), and a flange/filter switch, allowing you to stop the internal sweep generator and fix the pedal at any point in the sweep. The unit produced extremely clear, transparent flanging effects. Increasing the rate with the Depth down and a bit of Color gave a nice Leslie-type effect. With the Speed on a lower setting, I was able to get that smokey, mysterious flanging tone of the seventies. The Speed control has a very wide range, from super slow to a faster rate than many flangers. The Color knob is basically a regeneration control. At its maximum setting, it yielded the expected robotic sounds, but because of the impeccable quality of the unit I could not get a very good ā€œAnd the Cradle Will Rockā€ toneā€”just not enough noise in the unit to do that well. It doesnā€™t sound like an MXR, but itā€™s not intended to. This is an extremely pleasing, and very musical sounding flanger. ā€“ KR
Buy If...
youā€™re looking for clear, sparkling flange tones.
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youā€™re looking for more noise-based effects.
MSRP $245 - Hartman Electronics - hartmanelectronicstore.com