
Warm Audio Centavo & Warmdrive Demos | First Look

The vintage-style gear specialists dive into the legacy of two classic drive pedals.

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PRS Horsemeat, Mary Cries & Wind Through the Trees Demos | First Look

PRSā€™ first foray into stompboxes yields sonic gold.

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Can a bona fide funk guru help design a better Klone?

Wide range of gain. Very useful EQ.

Doesnā€™t do the Klon clean boost as well as original.


Jackson Audio The Optimist


Jackson Audioā€™s pedal collaboration with modern funk hero Cory Wong could have taken a few different paths. Considering Wongā€™s style, a compressor would have been an obvious choice. Instead, the Optimist is a dual overdrive that builds on a Klon-inspired baseline, adds a second overdrive, and has a clever EQ to create a super-flexible overdrive. Named after Wongā€™s second album, The Optimist suits Wongā€™s exuberant and fun-loving personality. But it also describes the way you might approach a gig with this pedal in hand. Together, the two separate overdrives and active EQ give you enough tones to cover almost any gig this side of Slayer cover band.

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