Overflowing overdrive options—without option fatigue.
Fantastic sounds throughout. Compact and convenient.
Pricey. Some learning curve if you want to get the most out of the pedal.
RJM Music Overture
I usually keep three dirt pedals on my main board. You might have more. Lots of dirt options are fun! But what we gain in tonal variety from such set ups, we lose in valuable pedalboard space. The RJM Overture, an all-analog, digitally controlled programmable overdrive pedal with six distinct modes, offers a viable solution to this problem that doesn't skimp on the sounds.
Six Slick Drives
As varied as the Overture can be, the main control layout is pretty straight ahead. There are knobs for gain, volume, bass, treble, and pre-boost. Just below those knobs you can select from the Overture's modes—clean boost, classic, boutique, versatile, smooth, and crunch—by using a small button. The two footswitches are on/off and solo. The latter switch, which is called "bank" in the newest production run, lets you select from preset banks 1-4 when disengaged or 5-8 when engaged. The bank switch effectively lets you switch between two presets in the two different banks.
The Overture's programmability is a big part of its convenience. The unit allows up to eight presets. And if you really want to geek out and stretch the Overture's potential, you can use the pedal's MIDI functionality and, with an external controller, can store up to 100 additional presets and control parameters. The programmable aspect of the Overture isn't immediately intuitive and I had to consult the manual to get up and running. But in general, it's fairly simple once you learn how it works.
I got rounder, slightly softer transients, but a big buttery sound that was more than a little Dumble-like.
To access presets 1 though 4, you have to press the on/off and solo buttons simultaneously to scroll. To access presets 5 through 8, you press the solo button again to select that bank of presets, then scroll with the on/off and solo buttons. To save changes, you hold down the overdrive mode mini-button for three seconds, and it will save to the selected preset location.
To access a specific preset within a bank, you have to scroll through all the presets sequentially in ascending order. So you can't quickly switch from, say, preset 2 to 1. You have to scroll all the way from 2 through 4 before reaching 1 again. To get the most out of the Overture, it's worth looking into integration with one of the excellent MIDI foot controllers in RJM's product line.
Overdriven Overture
While space in this review doesn't permit covering all six Overture modes in depth, there are distinct highlights. Three of the modes—classic, boutique, and versatile—are based on TS and modified TS circuits. In classic and boutique mode, the bass knob is inactive and the treble knob functions like the single tone control on a TS. With the gain around 11 o'clock and the treble knob at noon, classic mode generates very sweet lead voices that are open and refreshingly robust in the low end for Tube Screamer-style stomps, which are famous for their midrange. It also sounded more articulate and spacious than many original Tube Screamers I have heard. The versatile mode is similar to the boutique mode, but its active bass control permits more tone-shaping flexibility. Switching to smooth mode with the same settings (and the bass control active and set at noon), I got rounder, slightly softer transients, but a big buttery sound that was, surprisingly, more than a little Dumble-like.
Engaging the clean boost with pre-boost at noon (the pre-boost control allows up to 12 dB of pre-overdrive boost) and gain set low coaxed stinging bluesy tones from single-coils. At the same settings, bridge humbuckers generated beautiful clean rhythm tones. And even a basic open-position G chord sounded majestic and responded dynamically to extra pick attack, with rich overdrive breakup.
The Verdict
It's hard to find a bad sound in the Overture. Even at lower gain settings, the pedal shines—lending a bright, lively edge to basic guitar tones. If all you need is a single overdrive pedal, this might be overkill. But if a single OD leaves you wanting, the Overture can make a lot of high-quality overdrive sounds without taking up a ton of space.
It may be 40-year-old technology, but a slew of affordable high-quality controllers and stellar MIDI-enabled effects—as well as an ever-flattening learning curve—make this a great time to consider bringing your board into the future.
MIDI is a technical standard developed in the early '80s to allow equipment of a variety of types and functions to communicate as interconnected music production tools. The term Musical Instrument Digital Interface describes both the protocol and the hardware necessary for manufacturers to build compatible systems, and the standard quickly replaced most manufacturers' proprietary communication methods—making the world of synths and effects modules much more universal. Not many digital standards have remained relevant for 40 years, but MIDI is still kicking around and growing in users and market segments.
As the sophistication of product designers has risen and computing hardware costs have fallen, MIDI functionality has been employed in areas that the original architects probably could not have imagined. MIDI equipped effects, switchers, and controllers are now available for almost every application and budget, and the open-ended nature of the protocol means that MIDI can do more than ever. Fortunately, you need not know everything about MIDI's capabilities to use it on a guitar pedalboard to great effect.
In its simplest form, MIDI is a collection of messages. These messages are sent on one of 16 channels. Most rigs assign each MIDI device to its own channel, keeping everyone's messages in their own lane. The messages most often used in the stompbox world are Program Changes (PC) and Control Changes (CC). PCs are often used to call up preset sounds on an effect. When a MIDI controller (RJM Mastermind, Morningstar's MC series, etc.) sends a PC of value 10 to an effect, the effect loads program/preset 10. You will have saved your awe-inspiring effect patch there to be recalled. Additionally, pedal makers will assign certain parameters to be accessible via a corresponding Control Change number. You can send a MIDI CC message to edit effect parameters with a value of 1 to 128 (corresponding to the number of binary bits of data). Think of CCs as a means of remotely toggling switches and turning knobs on your effects, where sending a CC value of 1 means 0 percent and 128 means 100 percent. So, if the maker of your MIDI-equipped delay has assigned CC #45 to feedback, you can send a CC message that sets the value to 128, max out the feedback, and swim in the repeats.
If you need preset-able effects or real-time adjustment of effect parameters, be encouraged.
How do we issue these clever little messages to our clever little boxes? RJM, Morningstar, and Disaster Area all make controllers with the ability to send PC and CC messages in some form or fashion. There are a few things to consider as you connect them. The original MIDI standard uses a 5-pin circular DIN with a bona fide opto-isolated input that prevents ground loops. More recently, manufacturers like Boss, Chase Bliss, and Strymon have started using TRS connectors in both 1/4" and 1/8" varieties, and while some of these TRS connections have opto-isolated inputs, others do not. Disaster Area's MIDI Box can help connect MIDI signals to these non-iso'd products, but beware: Ground loop issues can persist if there isn't a full-spec isolated MIDI input on every device. These can manifest as constant whines or bursts of noise.
Most MIDI interconnections are daisy-chained. You'll connect the MIDI output of your controlling device to the MIDI input of the first pedal in your MIDI chain. Many pedals have a MIDI-thru to forward that MIDI information down the line, although it may require configuration to do so. Beware, all MIDI-thrus are not created equal! Some pedals do a poor job of forwarding data accurately when lots of MIDI commands are being sent at the same time and, in our experience, daisy-chaining four or more pedals risks reducing MIDI reliability. In large rigs with many MIDI devices, you may want to use something like a MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru, which produces four pristine copies of your original MIDI message. These boxes can shorten your daisy-chains and/or put misbehaving pedals in their own branch.
Many guitar players have sworn off ever using something like MIDI on principle alone. That's quite alright. They may genuinely not require any of its utility, but if you need preset-able effects or real-time adjustment of effect parameters, be encouraged. The costs of high-quality MIDI controllers and MIDI-equipped effects are falling and the learning curve is flattening out. The time is right to bring your board into the future ... with a 40-year-old technical standard.