pedal maintainence

Fig. 1

Yes, there's a lot of value variance, but there's an upside, too.

In your guitar pedal dealings, you may have heard the phrase ā€œcomponent tolerances.ā€ Nearly every component in a pedal is marked with a value, and ideally every component in your pedal would be that exact value, not one bit more and not one bit less. So, every 1k-ohm resistor would be exactly 1.0000000000000k ohm and every 10 ĀµF capacitor would be exactly 10.0000000000000 ĀµF. In this supernatural circuit situation, every pedal would sound identical. There would be no deviations from each componentā€™s intended value, and there would be no deviations from the effectā€™s intended sound (all other things being equal). Unfortunately, we cannot hope to achieve this sort of metric perfection in the real world. While perfection may not ever be attained, it is also not often required, and all the circuits we interact with day in and day out can tolerate some sort of variation in their componentsā€™ value.

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