
Photo by Daniel Bergeron

An exclusive excerpt of the legendary engineer and guitarist rapping about the guitarists he was most excited to hear.

When I spoke to recording engineer, Shellac guitarist, and Electrical Audio proprietor Steve Albini for our April cover story, we mostly covered his personal recording techniques, with some extra space allotted for the details of his iconic guitar rig. Albini, who passed suddenly not long after the issue went to print, was generous and forthcoming on all fronts.

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Photo by Tim Bugbee

Legendary engineer and musician Steve Albini has passed away due to a heart attack, according to staff at his Chicago recording studio, Electrical Audio.

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That’s a brand-new nitro lacquer burst finish on one of our columnist’s builds.

Nitro, poly, and more: what they’re made of, and why we love them.

In previous columns, I’ve touched on the subject of lacquer checking and the rise of relic finishes, but I thought a discussion of finishing materials might be in order as well. The terms nitro, poly, and lacquer, as well as other vague descriptions, are often used, and just as often, they’re misused and misunderstood. While I’m not a chemist and don’t pretend to know everything about coatings, I’ll try to outline some basic facts and how they relate to your guitar’s look, sound, and durability. But first, a little history.

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