
This new soundhole pickup offers both feedback suppression and amplified sound from one unit.

Cypress, CA (January 19, 2017) -- Lace Music Products is introducing the new, Aluma Disc magnetic pickup for acoustic guitar.

Building upon the Lace patented ā€œcurrent drivenā€ technology, Aluma Disc offers the player a pickup which offers both feedback suppression and amplified sound in one unit. As natural feedback occurs through many playing situations, the Aluma Disc covers the entire soundhole area while also acting as the magnetic pickup for the guitar.

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From heavy flatpicked strumming to delicate fingerstyle, the L.R. Baggs M80 soundhole pickup is a worthwhile investment that represents a pretty sweet value for any application.

Though theyā€™ve become a more common sight again in the last decade, magnetic soundhole pickups for acoustic guitars were, in many quarters, regarded as verging on obsolescence. But before undersaddle pickups ruled the roost, chrome DeArmond soundhole pickups were used by bluesmen like Lightninā€™ Hopkins, folkies like John Renbourn, and such rockers as Neil Young (check the iconic gatefold image in the After the Goldrush LP). And Dean Markleyā€™s inexpensive soundhole units were many acoustic playerā€™s first pickup and remain a fixture among indie acoustic players on a budget.

While soundhole pickups like DeArmonds werenā€™t exactly accurate, they did impart warmth to an amplified acoustic sound that was in many ways lost when piezo pickups came into vogue. And while undersaddle pickups are great for capturing the detail of fingerstyle technique, they can sound downright gnarly in the strum-heavy contexts of pop and rock. In recent years, few companies have done more to resurrect the magnetic pickup than L.R. Baggs. The newest evolution of their soundhole line, the M80, capitalizes on the many design merits of the companyā€™s successful M1. But itā€™s a considerably more body-sensitive unit with switchable active/passive circuitry that represents a significant step forward in terms of sonic sophistication and versatility.

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