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GALLERY: Show Us Your Gear - #1 Guitars, Vol. 2

Ever wonder what PG readers'' go-to axes are? From true classics to completely custom, your #1 guitars cover the full spectrum.

"Kneiblher says of his Epiphone Emporer Regent, ""Acoustically loud and tuneful. I choose this over my Larrivee D9 these days."""

Want more? Check out Volume 1! To submit your #1 guitar for our next gallery, send an email with 1-3 photos and a caption describing the instrument to

LA LOM's Jake Faulkner and Zac Sokolow Rig Rundown
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The Los Angeles League of Musiciansā€”LA LOM for shortā€”brought the vintage vibe with them on the road last year.

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Six Wahs in All Sizes, Prices, and Styles
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From full-size to mini, these six pedals deliver funky ā€œchickas,ā€ screaming, fuzz-infused lead tones, and more.

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With flexible voltage adjustments, precise control, customizable protection, compact design, and affordable pricing at $299, the Brownie is the ultimate solution for optimizing tone and safeguarding your gear.

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