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GALLERY: Roger Waters' The Wall Live Gear

See close-ups of all of the gear used by Roger, Dave, G.E., and Snowy on this epic tour, plus behind-the-scenes pics of the wall setup.

"Smith uses the Radial Tonebone JX-2 Pro as a clean boost, Boss CE-2 Chorus, MXR Carbon Copy Delay, Seymour Duncan Deja Vu delay, and Seymour Duncan Twin Tube Blue (set to Rhythm for lighter overdrive). He switches delays through the show depending upon the intensity needed. The Carbon Copy is used earlier on for its more organic, analog tone. He uses a Korg Pitchblack tuner for both guitar and bass, and like the other guitarists on the show, uses a Boss PSM-5 power supply and master switch to control the rackmounted TC Electronic delays for ""Another Brick in the Wall."" "

An amp-in-the-box pedal designed to deliver tones reminiscent of 1950s Fender Tweed amps.

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Mooer's Ocean Machine II is designed to bring superior delay and reverb algorithms, nine distinct delay types, nine hi-fidelity reverb types, tap tempo functionality, a new and improved looper, customizable effect chains, MIDI connectivity, expression pedal support, and durable construction.

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Gibson originally launched the EB-6 model with the intention of serving consumers looking for a ā€œtic-tacā€ bass sound.

Photo by Ken Lapworth

You may know the Gibson EB-6, but what you may not know is that its first iteration looked nothing like its latest.

When many guitarists first encounter Gibsonā€™s EB-6, a rare, vintage 6-string bass, they assume it must be a response to the Fender Bass VI. And manyEB-6 basses sport an SG-style body shape, so they do look exceedingly modern. (Itā€™s easy to imagine a stoner-rock or doom-metal band keeping one amid an arsenal of Dunables and EGCs.) But the earliest EB-6 basses didnā€™t look anything like SGs, and they arrived a full year before the more famous Fender.

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An '80s-era cult favorite is back.

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