
A distinctive midrange voice and the capacity to run hot and buzzy and lower volumes distinguish this practical, flexible fuzz.

A unique fuzz voice that can be explored at wide-open volumes without being obscenely loud.

While unique, the basic voice can sound a touch narrow.


DOD Chthonic Fuzz


While a lot of fuzzes cough up exciting sounds across their output volume and gain ranges, most sound best and most alive with gain and output controls wide open. The thing is, most fuzzes at max volume will be screamingly, overpoweringly loud. Yes, I know. That’s the point. But all that gain isn’t practical in every situation. What’s nice about the silicon Chthonic Fuzz is that you can run it as the fuzz gods intended—with gain and output volume maxed—without shaking stucco from the walls. The Chthonic is still plenty powerful, but the best sounds are available at lower volumes.

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Envelope control, cool, unusual waveforms, and deep, interactive controls add up to an impressive, expansive dynamic tremolo at a fair price.

A huge range of trad’ to trippy modulation textures. Cool interactivity between controls. Many useful applications of envelope control.

Controls can be less than intuitive at times.


Dreadbox Treminator


Few effects are as beautifully moody as tremolo. But the essence of the effect—modulating volume—generally leaves less room for picking dynamics. The beauty of Dreadbox’s smartly designed Treminator is that its functionality spans intense, smothering modulations and those that can be shaped with precision using envelope control. The Treminator isn’t the only dynamic tremolo out there. But its many waveform options, and the wide range and interactivity in its controls, can lead to many unusual or tastefully subdued tremolo variations.

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