fender guitars

The family resemblance between these popular Fender models is obvious. Both are leaning on a relative: a 1958 Bassman, which won the favor of both bassists and guitarists.

This pairā€”a Precision bass and Stratocaster from 1959ā€”have much in common besides their iconic status.

If any of you have delved into the history of Fenderā€”and how can you play guitar and ignore it?ā€”you probably know that Leo Fenderintroduced the Precision bass in late 1951, following the success of his radical electric 6-string solidbody, the Telecaster. The P bass proved to be even more groundbreaking. The new-fangled guitar-sized instrument was widely embraced by bassists and guit-pickers alike, following its early appearance in the band of jazz vibist Lionel Hampton and, in rock, in the hands of Bill Black, who used one while supporting Elvis Presley in Jailhouse Rock.

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Fender Player Plus Meteora HH Demo | First Look

Hear how the new Fireball pickups in the latest evolution of the offset unleash much more than flaming destruction.

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Death Doom on Short-Scale Jags? You Bet Your Ass [The Big 5]

Konventā€™s Heidi Brink and Sara NĆørregaard dare you to diss their beloved Squiers.

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