
Donā€™t leave for a gig without accessories like these.

Weā€™ve all been to a gig and run into an unforeseen problem. After years of experience, you begin to craft your own personal collection of gadgets and tools to ensure that the show goes on. Hereā€™s a collection of 10 different accessories that just might save the day.

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DIY: Relicā€™ing Metal Hardware

Our series on how to age a guitar, piece by piece, continues. This month we tackle the bridge and strap buttons.

Image 1 ā€” Courtesy of

Hello and welcome back to ā€œMod Garage." This month we'll continue with our relic'ing project, taking care of the rest of the hardware: the bridge including its studs and the strap buttons. This is also the first time we'll discuss some possible upgrades regarding the hardware.

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