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Mesa/Boogie 90s Dual Rectifier Demo | NAMM 2025

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Get the JNCOs and flannels out because Mesa Boogie went back to the future with the release of the 90s Dual Rectifier that combined the best parts of the F & Rev G amps and created a modern monster. The 100W tonezilla has two channels (now with their "cloning" so you can Vintage or Modern Modes on either channel, patented switchable rectifiers (tube or silicon diode), and of course, they're using 6L6s.

A dose of magic gain potion.

Works like a little vial of magic gain potion. Fattens without obscuring individual frequency bands.



Solodallas SVDS Boost


The Schaeffer-Vega Diversity Systemā€”an early and very successful wireless systemā€”excelled at the tasks it was designed for. But there was more magic than met the eye. Though designed to sound as transparent as possible, it nonetheless colored the signal in a way that people like Angus Young and Eddie Van Halen found essential.

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Join PG contributor Tom Butwin as he explores all-new versions of the Framus Hootenanny 12-string and 6-string acousticsā€”made famous by John Lennon and now available with modern upgrades. From vintage-inspired tone to unique features, these guitars are built to spark creativity.

Positive Grid's Spark NEO offers guitarists a wireless guitar rig built into premium headphones, with AI-powered tone customization, exceptional sound quality, and versatile connectivity.

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This Japan-made Guyatone brings back memories of hitchinā€™ rides around the U.S.

This oddball vintage Guyatone has a streak of Jack Kerouacā€™s adventurous, thumbing spirit.

The other day, I saw something I hadnā€™t noticed in quite some time. Driving home from work, I saw an interesting-looking fellow hitchhiking. When I was a kid, ā€œhitchersā€ seemed much more common, but, then again, the world didnā€™t seem as dangerous as today. Heck, I can remember hitching to my uncleā€™s cabin in Bradford, Pennsylvaniaā€”home of Zippo lightersā€”and riding almost 200 miles while I sat in a spare tire in the open bed of a pickup truck! Yes, safety wasnā€™t a big concern for kids back in the day.

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