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Origin Effects Announces 10th Anniversary Limited-Edition Compressors

Origin Effects Announces 10th Anniversary Limited-Edition Compressors

To commemorate the occasion, Origin Effects are offering their entire range of compressor pedals in a limited-edition, laser-engraved aluminum finish, inspired by their stealthy in-house prototypes.

Origin Effects is celebrating its 10-year anniversary! To commemorate the occasion, they are offering their entire range of compressor pedals in a stunning, limited edition, laser-engraved aluminum finish, inspired by their stealthy in-house prototypes.

Things have come a long way in the 10 years since Origin Effects founder, Simon Keats, embarked on his mission to make the world’s best compressor pedal. Today, Origin Effects have grown into a world-renowned company, offering a range of studio-grade compressors, vintage-inspired Analogue Amp Recreations, overdrives, and bass gear. Instantly recognizable, Origin pedals take pride of place on the boards of guitarists, bassists, and producers alike.

The latest incarnations of their compact compressors are getting the anniversary treatment. TheCali76 Compact Deluxe, Compact Bass, and Stacked Edition, as well as the SlideRIG Compact DeluxeMK2, are all now available in a slick, limited edition, laser-engraved aluminum finish. These pedals feature the same highly-acclaimed circuits their compressors are known for, with a look that tips its hat to ten years of uncompromising tone chasing.

The Cali76 models are limited to 250 pieces each, while the SlideRIG Compact Deluxe MK2 is limited to 100 pieces. Contact your Origin Effects dealer now while stocks last.

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