Rolling Stones renaissance man Ron Wood sits down with Premier Guitar to talk about his star-studded new solo album, I Feel Like Playing, his favorite ’55 Strat and tweed Champ, and how he’s managed to conquer the world several times over as both a renowned guitarist and painter.
Photo by Jack English
Click here to watch video excerpts from this interview. |
And that was just the beginning of the seize fest. After changing trains a couple of times and getting yelled at by a very disturbed woman in Grand Central Terminal, we finally arrived at the unbelievably swank New York Palace Hotel. We were pretty early for our interview with Wood, which was scheduled for 2 p.m. So, we stowed our bags and took advantage of the intervening hours to briefly take in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Radio City Music Hall, vintage and boutique guitars at Rudy’s Music, and the best lamb gyro ever (only four bucks from a street vendor!).
But the whole time we were hyper-cognizant of how easily our trip could fall apart. We had to catch a 4 o’clock train to another event (see the Experience PRS story on p. 204), which meant there was pretty much zero wiggle room if Woods’ other interviews went long. We’d be left high and dry. So we made a point of getting back to the hotel an hour early, knowing full well that things can change on a dime when you’re dealing with a mega star.
And in this case, they did.
See, it seems we weren’t the only ones doing all the carpe diem-ing that day. It turned out Wood had been invited to lunch with Mick Jagger, President Bill Clinton, and President Obama. The two presidents were in town for the UN General Assembly, and apparently they’re big guitar nuts, too, so they rang up some pals. When we let Wood’s people know we were there, they said, “Good, we’ll send someone for you in 10 minutes.” We were the last group of journalists to talk to Wood before the afternoon’s interview schedule was pretty much obliterated by presidential order.
So we seized, baby, we seized. (Be sure to check out HD video excerpts at premierguitar. com.) You could say everyone there—us, the presidents, Jagger, Wood—was seizing the moment, really. But as we soon found out, that’s kind of been Wood’s MO his whole life. “I always try the impossible,” he told us. “Always think, ‘Yeah, I can do that.’ Nine times out of 10 it works.”
Indeed, at 63, Wood seems to be seizing more opportunities now than ever. An accomplished painter, he had just come from opening his own exhibit at the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio. He’s got his own line of clothes at UK-based Liberty department store. Just a few months ago he reunited with his former Faces bandmates and plans to tour with them next year. He took the stage with Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Jeff Beck, Derek Trucks, and John Mayer at the Crossroads Festival earlier this year. And his new album features guest spots by Billy Gibbons, Slash, Kris Kristofferson, Bobby Womack, and Eddie Vedder, among others. As if that weren’t enough, he’s working on plans to take I Feel Like Playing to Broadway with the cast of Britain’s Stomp dance troupe.
Despite being as giddy about his lunch date as we were to be in his 40th-floor corner suite, Wood was the complete gentleman as we discussed his favorite gear and what it was like to cut tracks with Slash and Gibbons—and not once did he rush the interview or act like he had to scram for more important company.
Ron Wood, Buddy Guy, and their dueling Strats paint a bloody good picture for the
crowd at last summer’s Crossroads Guitar Festival in Chicago. Photo by Chris Kies
How did the new album come about?
It was a natural chain of events, really. I left home, like you do, and I had songs like “A Thing Like That” and “I Don’t Think So” and lots of phrases going through my mind. I started the whole thing off with [billionaire real estate developer and film producer] Steve Bing. He said to me, “Hey, Ronnie, I wanna hear you play—people want to hear you play. I hope you don’t mind, but I booked the House of Blues tonight for you. I’ve got [famed session drummer] Jim Keltner out there, and I’ve got Ivan Neville.” And then I said, “Well, I’ve got Flea, he’s in town, and I’m here with [session vocalist/ Stones backup singer] Bernard Fowler.” So I said, “Come on, let’s all go to the studio, then, and make a start.” So, we started with “Spoonful,” a number that goes down through the years and that I was inspired by—I was inspired by Howlin’ Wolf. Willie Dixon wrote it. That was a nice suggestion from Bernard. He said, “Why don’t we start with that one, man. You could really do that.” So we did that in a couple of takes, just live. And it had a good feel about it. And then I said, “Well, I’ve got these ideas to put around these words, like ‘What do you want to go and do a thing like that for?’”—to be said in a Southern accent. I think it would make a great country and western song, actually. It should be played on a country station, with Kris Kristofferson writing the words to the verses. He was at the House of Blues, and I just happened to bump into him and Don Was on the steps going in. Kris showed an interest, and I said, “I’ve got this chorus—I need some words for the verses. Come on, Kris, write something for me, would ya?” And he said [assumes John Wayne-like drawl], “Okay, Ronnie. But I can’t do it today. Give me ’til tomorrow and I’ll come back with a couple of verses for you.” And he did, and I loved it. Y’know, “I hear that old coyote howlin’ at the moon,” and things like, “Liberty is all I ever wanted, holy fire is what I need.” Yeah, really typical Kris, and really helpful.
And [Pearl Jam vocalist] Eddie Vedder was the same way with helping me on “Lucky Man” and “Catch You.” It was great to get Bobby Womack back out of the woodwork, as well, to kind of help me with some backgrounds. He was pleased with my singing, and so was Rod Stewart. He came in at one time and he said, “Oh, you’re singing really well.” He said, “I give you the stamp of approval now—you are a vocalist.” And, coming from Rod, that was great—and Womack and Bernard. But, I had great people in the studios nearby, like Slash and Billy Gibbons, coming through. He [Gibbons] said, “I’ve got a song for you, man. [Sings] I’ve got a thing about you.” And Slash is always easy to work with. He says, “What do you want me to play?” I said, “You know— just go out there and play.” And we played together, and he knows what I want.
What a great story. You mentioned Slash, Billy Gibbons, Flea—and Bob Rock played on it, too—and one of the interesting things when I listen to the album is that, on a lot of albums with star-studded lineups, you can really pick out the famous player because what they’re playing sounds like it’s coming from one of their own projects. But on this album, everyone really blends in.
Yeah, I sometimes don’t know which is me playing or which is Billy Gibbons or which is Slash. The great thing is, we have an understanding that it’s a front room, very casual kind of feel. It’s not like, “Okay, you’re featured here.” No, none of that. It’s just very natural.
It’s like everyone surrendered their egos and just contributed to the music.
I’ve always done my solo albums like that. There’s always been a very mutual understanding, and everyone’s just kind of, like you say, they drop whatever egos they have. Normally, I don’t work with people with egos . . .
And I don’t mean it in that way—but it’s just so cool because you listen to a track and you’re not thinking, “Oh, that’s Billy Gibbons right there,” because it’s got that Texas boogie groove.
On that song “Thing About You,” I don’t know which part he’s playing. The only bit that gives him away is when he goes doooooo. You know that’s him, his little signature.
Did you approach writing and recording for this album differently than you would for a Stones record?
Yeah. On a Stones album, for a start, you have to get it passed by “the board,” y’know. Jagger and Richards don’t accept a suggestion very easily, because they’ve already got it sewn up. So you’ve got to have a pretty good song to get it by the board—which I respect. And, in Stones downtime, we all pursue our own thing. Whether Mick does a film or Keith’s doing his pirate or making an album. Charlie’s got his jazz outfits or quintet or quartet or whatever—an orchestra. He has to keep his chops together. He loves to play. That’s what I love to do, I just love to keep playing. Y’know, keeping my fingers hard at the end—otherwise, you give it a few months and they start to go soft. It’s no good. You’ve got to keep working. Keep painting and keep playing.
Mick Jagger struts his stuff and Wood plies his trade on a Gibson Les Paul
Special during the Stones’ August 10, 1994, Voodoo Lounge tour date at the RCA
Dome in Indianapolis, Indiana. Photo by Ken Settle
Other than getting to call all the shots and make the decisions yourself . . .
Yeah, that’s a good exercise, you know?
But stylistically or as far as how you approach writing your parts, is it any different from how you might do it with the Stones?
Not really. I always give my best and I’m always very natural with it. It’s kind of easier [because] it’s laid on the plate by the Stones more. Mick or Keith will have this riff and I interpret it immediately. “Oh, I know what you need.” And they know that. With my albums, I often know what the basis is, and I know where I want to take it—and that’s why I can have guests on it. Because if they don’t play it, I’ll play it anyway. So it’s just a matter of party time—it’s like, “Okay, let’s party. Let’s have some fun making a record.” That’s what I love to do.
How do you approach getting the actual guitar tones?
[U2 guitarist] Edge said to me, “How do you get that tone?” And I said, “Just turning it up to 10 and hitting the full volume.” [Laughs.] I don’t use effects . . . very rarely. And he’s Mr. Effects, and he can’t understand how to do it.
Did you use the same guitars and amps you would normally use with the Stones in the studio?
Yeah. My man Dave Rouse, my guitar roadie, he said, “Do you want the Champ, Ronnie? Do you want the Deluxe or the Twin?” I usually go with a Strat with a whammy bar, or a slide, or a B-Bender. I didn’t use a B-Bender on this album, which I would have liked to have done—but I did use a pedal steel, so that’s even better.
Do you remember which particular guitars and amps you used the most?
Not really, but I suppose my old standby is my ’55 Strat and a Champ amp. “Have guitar and amp, will travel!” [Laughs.]
What’s the year on the amp, roughly?
It’s a tweed from the ’50s.
Do you feel like your concept of what constitutes good guitar tone has changed over the years?
Well, I think, like wine, the matured sound of a ’50s Strat is more or less a stable part of my diet—like with Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton. They’re just very comfortable. You get that reliable sound that comes from a ’50s amp and a ’50s guitar, whether it’s an acoustic or an electric. Y’know, you go to a Martin for an acoustic—or an old J-200. But some of the new guitars that are available, they’ve got a bloody good sound.
Did you use any other amps or guitars besides the Strat and the Champ?
Well, yeah, I’m always open to ideas. I mean, I’ll use a Les Paul once in awhile. But that’s another thing—if you’ve got Slash around, you know you’re going to have a Les Paul sound. So, I’ve got the Fender side covered. But, amps-wise, a Boogie or an old Vox AC30. They’re all there if I want to use them.
Is the Boogie an old Mark IIC or something?
Just the regular Mesa/Boogie with the EQ on the front. I don’t know the model name.
An older one—the little combo?
Yeah, they’re cool. As far as different amps, I used an old Fenton Weill on the solo for “Maggie May.” It was like, more or less, a converted radio—it’s a bit like the Champ amp is. There’s a bit of distortion already built in, just because of the old valves and stuff.
Keith Richards (right) wields a then-recent Tele while Wood rocks
a trusty Strat on February 22, 1999, at the Stones’ No Security tour stop at the Palace
of Auburn Hills in Michigan. Photo by Ken Settle
So, even though it sounds like you’re really hooked on old classic gear, do you ever try out new boutique stuff? There are so many companies trying to recapture the old handwired amp sound.
And they do a damn good job. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between a valve amp and a modern job, y’know. But, you just put it to the test. I mean, if it can survive a tour—a heavy beating on a tour—then it’s the sign of a good amp.
Off the top of your head, what were some of the highlights of the sessions with these big-name guitarists? Let’s start with Billy Gibbons.
Well, Billy Gibbons is very bossy for a start. He went like, “We’ve got this riff, right.” [Sings short ascending lick.] And I’d go [sings descending melody]. “No, not that! No, just play the lick. Play that.” And I’d go, “Okay, Billy.” So we’d play that together. And then when it comes time to let it rip, he’d go, “You take it your way and I’ll take it mine, and I’ll meet you in the middle.” He was just great fun, and he’s a very enthusiastic, creative person. And I love to bounce off that creativity.
And he played on two songs right?
Yeah. When we finished “Thing About You,” I said, “Oh, I’m working on this other song called ‘I Gotta See.’ How about I play it to you.” And when he heard it he went, “Oh! [Sings rhythm line.] It needs that kind of approach.” I said, “Yeah, perfect! Go for it.” He just did that in one take.
How about the most memorable moments with Slash?
Well, every time he’s there, he’s always in the same mood. He’s never upset. He’s never over-the-top happy or sad. He’s always like [in quiet, ultra-laidback voice], “Hey, awesome, man.” He’s like, “Hey, man, I really enjoyed that.” That’s the most he ever gets worked up, like, “Hey, that’s really good, man.” I just had him on my radio show. We filmed that, as well, when he was in the studio for this program for Absolute [UK radio station Absolute Classic Rock], which is really great. We do 52 programs, one for each week of the year. I go through archive stuff. I play everything from the first rock ’n’ roll song right through a bit of Mozart, bit of Marley, and up to people like Regina Spektor and a little of what’s happening now. It’s a great exercise for me, and it is a very educational program.
How about Flea? He’s obviously a monster bass player, and half the bass-playing kids in the world worship him, but on the songs he’s on he’s just rock-solid—no showing off whatsoever.
I just like to let him take it his way. I didn’t have to tell him what to play. I was just happy to see that he was happy with his groove, and it was great to see him working with someone like Keltner. They really got along well. And then you would get people like [longtime Stones bassist] Darryl Jones juxtaposed against people like [session drummer] Steve Ferrone. There were some nice, interesting things happening. And [bassist] Rick Rosas, you know, he’s a good old solid from the Neil Young days. Good people. Good teamwork.
Bob Rock also played on two songs, and he’s known for his production work with huge bands like Metallica. What was it like having him on there?
He’s a real gentleman, and he’s a real fan. I didn’t realize he grew up listening to what I played, y’know, when he was in short pants. He knows more about what I did than I do. [Laughs.] It was great to work with him being a fan and a creative person. And he was only too happy to say, “Ronnie, I’ve got these songs [Rock co-wrote “Lucky Man” and “Catch You”]. I’d love to hear the way you would interpret them.”
As a musician, as a guitarist, and as an artist you’ve conquered the creative world several times over.
I’m not finished yet—you’ve gotta be ambitious. [Laughs.]
What motivates you to pick up a guitar these days?
Love, ambition.
Is playing guitar in a band different now from how it was 30 years ago?
No, except I’m that much older now. I’m a bit wiser. But some of the things don’t work like they used to—I tore the arse out of ’em years ago. [Laughs.] But I’m lucky to still be alive, I suppose, to have survived everything. I’m really grateful. I’m a lucky man.
Not often enough. I have guitars sitting around—I’ve got them all in my room now, for instance. I might pick it up in passing and just play a little lick and walk on, because I’m always so busy. I get in these modes. I’ll get in an art mode, and then I have to keep painting. And then I get in a musical mode, and that’s when I keep playing. Luckily, these moods and these shifts of inspiration come at the right time to keep me off the street. Y’know, to keep me satisfied. [Laughs.]
Before the interview, we tweeted our readers and viewers inquiring what they wanted us to ask you, and some wanted to know how your painting informs your guitar playing—or vice versa.
Well, sometimes I play to a painting and sometimes I paint to music. They’re so closely related, because when you’re doing a painting, it’s like overdubbing. You know, you put the backing track there, and then you come through with the guitars, and the final vocal, and stuff. It’s just like the layers of tracks in the studio.
Do you get into a rhythm that affects your brushstrokes when you’re painting to music?
Yeah, I get into a rhythm when I’m painting. This is pure expressionism.
Which musicians or artists are inspiring you right now?
Very few, actually. There’s this girl singer, Russian girl, called Regina Spektor. She’s very simple, but very classical. She’s coming to London in October, actually, and I got in touch with her record company and I said, “Can I do something with her,” something musically. I’ve never actually met the girl and I don’t really know what she looks like or anything, but I just like the way she sings.
Is that in the works?
No, but I’m going to hijack her when she comes to England.
You’re going to harass her until she says yes.
Yeah, I’m going to say, “Come on, let’s do something together.” She might say, “Sod off.” I don’t know. But that’s the way I always work. I approach the unapproachable. I go up to Bob Dylan and say, “Come on, let’s play.” Everybody. I’ve done that with Bob Marley. With Zeppelin. I just go and play with them.
You never get anywhere unless you try, right?
Exactly, and most of the time all of these unapproachable things or people turn out to be really down to earth. Like Prince. His band members are the nicest bunch of guys in the world. He’s hard to get through to, but when you’re actually playing with him, he’s like a humorous, really down-to-earth, clever guy.
Robert Plant was recently interviewed on NPR, and he was talking about being a kid and listening to James Brown and Smokey Robinson on American radio stations, and then saving up money from his newspaper delivery job to buy albums from King Records in Cincinnati. Do you have a similar memory of when you were first hooked on music?
Yeah, I remember when I was a kid in short pants or I had just gotten out of short trousers. I had a little record player in my room and I was playing Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, Muddy Waters, and Howlin’ Wolf —all that kind of thing—and I was thinking, “I’m going to meet these guys one day. I’m going to play with them.” And I did. Every one of them. Bo Diddley turned out to be one of my greatest pals.
How old were you at that point?
I was 14 or something. Before then, I was listening to Big Bill Broonzy at about the age of 7 or 9, and playing guitar shuffles and stuff.
At what point did you think, “I’m going to do this for the rest of my life”?
Oh, ever since I picked up a guitar. And ever since I picked up a brush. I knew I was going to do it. Right from an early age. From 4— my earliest memories.
If there were one bit of wisdom you could distill for the average guitar player to take to heart, what would it be?
Well, I always go in the deep end. I always try the impossible. Never think that something is too much of a challenge. Never think, “Oh, I’m not going to do that—I wouldn’t be right for it.” Always think, “Yeah, I can do that.” Nine times out of 10 it works. I have done that all my life. When I was at school, I knew I was going to be in the Stones. I knew I was going to be in that band, no two ways about it. So, here I am 35 years later, and still the new boy. [Laughs.]
Wood and I discuss his latest album, I Feel Like Playing, at the New
York Palace Hotel on September 23, 2010. Photo by Joe Coffey
You announced in May there would be a Faces reunion tour.
Yeah, we did that with [Simply Red singer] Mick Hucknall. He sang like Rod [Stewart] did in the ’70s—he was incredible. We only did three shows, because Mick’s out with Simply Red, putting that band to bed now.
But there was also something about a tour next year, right?
Yeah, probably in January we will come over here.
And will that also be with . . .
That will be with Mick Hucknall. But I’m having dinner with Rod Stewart next week. The whole thing has his blessing, and he likes the way that Mick is very respectful of his singing—and the other way around. If it weren’t for Rod’s red tape and his management, we’d have him doing it. But Rod also self-admits that he can’t sing in those keys anymore, like in the early ’70s. Mick Hucknall can, but even after the three shows, Mick went, “My god, I don’t know how Rod kept this up for all those years. My voice is in shreds!” Because we did them all in the original keys. “Too Bad” and “Miss Judy’s Farm” and “Pool Hall Richard” and “Stay with Me.” Mick would say to me, “That’s so high to sing!”
You’re doing quite a bit of publicity for your new album, I Feel Like Playing . . .
And the President of the United States calls! [Laughs.]
And they will be here any minute.
That’s gonna be fun!
You’re just hobnobbing with so many . . . well, I guess that’s your life, right?
Oh, man. There you go—there you go, kids: You can end up in the president’s company if you want! [Laughs.]
Positive Grid's Spark NEO offers guitarists a wireless guitar rig built into premium headphones, with AI-powered tone customization, exceptional sound quality, and versatile connectivity.
Positive Grid announces Spark NEO, a groundbreaking wireless guitar rig built directly into premium over-ear headphones. Designed to deliver a seamless, personal guitar experience, Spark NEO combines Positive Grid’s award-winning guitar amp technology with true wireless connectivity and AI-powered guitar tone customization.
Spark NEO offers a seamless solution for guitarists seeking exceptional sound quality, advanced tone-shaping tools, and the freedom to play anywhere. Built with custom-designed 40mm drivers and an ultra-lightweight bio-fiber diaphragm, Spark NEO ensures rich, balanced sound for every style of music. The included wireless transmitter instantly pairs any guitar with the headphones for plug-and-play convenience, while Spark NEO’s built-in 1/4" input can also support traditional guitar cables, for added versatility.
With four onboard, customizable guitar presets, Spark NEO enables private playing anywhere, free from space limitations or noise constraints. For even more variety, connecting to the free Spark app unlocks additional presets, amps & effects, and advanced tone controls. Spark NEO also doubles as premium Bluetooth® headphones, offering exceptional clarity for music, podcasts, and more.
Key Features:
- Optimized for Guitarists: Spark NEO integrates Positive Grid’s renowned tone engine, delivering precise sound tailored to electric, acoustic, and bass guitars.
- True Wireless Freedom: A proprietary 2.4GHz system provides reliable, ultra-low latency connectivity between Spark NEO and the user’s guitar, for a smooth and stable playing experience.
- AI-Powered Guitar Tone Customization: Create and refine tones effortlessly with AI-driven tools that adapt to every playing style.
- Exceptional Sound Quality: Precision-engineered drivers deliver clarity and balance for both guitar playing and music listening.
- Portable Design: Spark NEO’s compact, foldable build and rechargeable battery with up to six hours of play time make it easy to take anywhere.
Built for Guitarists
Spark NEO bridges the gap between traditional guitar setups and modern technology. Unlike using generic headphones with a guitar amp, Spark NEO’s integrated design ensures every element—from app to drivers—delivers unparalleled performance.
Noise Isolating Design
Spark NEO’s ultra-soft, durable ear cups ensure a comfortable fit. With advanced damping materials, tuned venting, and precise port adjustments, Spark NEO provides passive noise isolation, letting every musical detail shine without external interference. Jam with backing tracks or favorite songs without disturbing a soul.
Enhanced Creativity with Spark App
The Spark App expands Spark NEO’s capabilities with access to 33 amps and 43 effects, plus over 100,000 tones on Positive Grid's online ToneCloud. Auto Chords helps players learn and jam along with any song by displaying its chords in real time as the song plays, while customizable presets offer endless creative possibilities. Play with backing tracks or along with favorite songs. Whether practicing, playing, or experimenting, Spark NEO delivers unmatched flexibility for guitar players at every level.
Availability and Pricing
Spark NEO is priced at USD $199, including the headphones, wireless transmitter, and full access to the Spark App. It will be available soon on Positive Grid’s website, Amazon, and select retailers.
For more info, please visit
This Japan-made Guyatone brings back memories of hitchin’ rides around the U.S.
This oddball vintage Guyatone has a streak of Jack Kerouac’s adventurous, thumbing spirit.
The other day, I saw something I hadn’t noticed in quite some time. Driving home from work, I saw an interesting-looking fellow hitchhiking. When I was a kid, “hitchers” seemed much more common, but, then again, the world didn’t seem as dangerous as today. Heck, I can remember hitching to my uncle’s cabin in Bradford, Pennsylvania—home of Zippo lighters—and riding almost 200 miles while I sat in a spare tire in the open bed of a pickup truck! Yes, safety wasn’t a big concern for kids back in the day.
So, as I’m prone to do, I started digging around hitchhiking culture and stories. Surprisingly, there are organized groups that embrace the hitching life, but the practice remains on the fringe in the U.S. Back in the 1950s, writer Jack Kerouac wrote the novel On the Road, which celebrated hitchhiking and exposed readers to the thrill of maverick travel. Heck, even Mike Dugan (the guitarist in all my videos) hitched his way to California in the 1960s. But seeing that fellow on the side of the road also sparked another image in my brain: Yep, it always comes back to guitars.
Let me present to you a guitar that’s ready to go hitching: the Guyatone LG-180T, hailing from 1966. The “thumbs-up” headstock and the big “thumb” on the upper bout always made me think of thumbing a ride, and I bought and sold this guitar so long ago that I had forgotten about it, until I saw that hitchhiking dude. Guyatone was an interesting Japanese company because they were primarily an electronics company, and most of their guitars had their wooden parts produced by other factories. In the case of the LG-180T, the bodies were made by Yamaha in Hamamatsu, Japan. At that time, Yamaha was arguably making the finest Japanese guitars, and the wood on this Guyatone model is outstanding. We don’t often see Guyatone-branded guitars here in the U.S., but a lot of players recognize the early ’60s label Kent—a brand name used by an American importer for Guyatone guitars.
With a bit of imagination, the LG-180T’s “thumbs up” headstock seems to be looking for a roadside ride.
Kent guitars were extremely popular from the early ’60s until around 1966. The U.S. importer B&J fed the American need for electric guitars with several nice Kent models, but when the Guyatone contract ended, so did most of the Kent guitars. After that, Guyatone primarily sold guitars in Japan, so this example is a rare model in the U.S.
“Unless you are a master at guitar setups, this would be a difficult player.”
This headstock is either the ugliest or the coolest of the Guyatone designs. I can’t decide which. I will say, no other Japanese guitar company ever put out anything like this. You have to give the Guyatone designers a thumbs up for trying to stand out in the crowd! Guyatone decided to forgo an adjustable truss rod in this model, opting instead for a light alloy non-adjustable core to reinforce the neck. Speaking of the neck, this instrument features the most odd-feeling neck. It’s very thin but has a deep shoulder (if that makes any sense). Totally strange!
Another strange feature is the bridge, which offers very little adjustment because of the three large saddles, which sort of rock back and forth with the tremolo. It’s a shame because these pickups sound great! They’re very crisp and have plenty of zing, but unless you are a master at guitar set-ups, this would be a difficult player.
This could be why the LG-180T only appeared in the 1966 and 1967 catalogs. After that, it disappeared along with all the other Yamaha-made Guyatone electrics. By 1969, Guyatone had gone bankrupt for the first time, and thus ended guitar production for a few decades. At least we were blessed with some wacky guitar designs we can marvel at while remembering the days when you could play in the back end of an explosive 1973 AMC Gremlin while your mom raced around town. Two thumbs up for surviving our childhoods! PG
There's a lot of musical gold inside the scales.
• Develop a deeper improvisational vocabulary.
• Combine pentatonic scales to create new colors.
• Understand the beauty of diatonic harmony.Improvising over one chord for long stretches of time can be a musician's best friend or worst nightmare. With no harmonic variation, we are left to generate interest through our lines, phrasing, and creativity. When I started learning to improvise, a minor 7 chord and a Dorian mode were the only sounds that I wanted to hear at the time. I found it tremendously helpful to have the harmony stay in one spot while I mined for new ideas to play. Playing over a static chord was crucial in developing my sense of time and phrasing.
The following is the first improvisational device I ever came across. I want to say I got it from a Frank Gambale book. The idea is that there are three minor pentatonic scales "hiding" in any given major scale. If we're in the key of C (C–D–E–F–G–A–B) we can pluck out the D, E, and A minor pentatonic scales. If we frame them over a Dm7 chord, they give us different five-note combinations of the D Dorian mode. In short, we are building minor pentatonic scales off the 2, 3, and 6 of the C major scale.
Viewing this through the lens of D minor (a sibling of C major and the tonal center for this lesson), D minor pentatonic gives us the 1–b3–4–5–b7, E minor pentatonic gives us 2–4–5–6–1, and A minor pentatonic gives us 5–b7–1–2–4. This means you can use your favorite pentatonic licks in three different locations and there are three different sounds we can tap into from the same structure.
If you smashed all of them together, you would get the D Dorian scale (D–E–F–G–A–B–C) with notes in common between the D, E, and A minor pentatonic scales. Ex. 1 uses all three scales, so you can hear the different colors each one creates over the chord.
Ex. 1
Ex. 2 is how I improvise with them, usually weaving in and out using different positional shapes.
Ex. 2
The next idea is one I stole from a guitarist who often came into a music store I worked at. On the surface, it's very easy: Just take two triads (in our example it will be Dm and C) and ping-pong between them. The D minor triad (D–F–A) gives us 1–b3–5, which is very much rooted in the chord, and the C major triad (C–E–G) gives us the b7–9–4, which is much floatier. Also, if you smash these two triads together, you get 1–2–b3–4–5–b7, which is a minor pentatonic scale with an added 2 (or 9). Eric Johnson uses this sound all the time. Ex. 3 is the lick I stole years ago.
Ex. 3
Ex. 4 is how I would improvise with this concept. Many different fingerings work with these, so experiment until you find a layout that's comfortable for your own playing.
Ex. 4
If two triads work, why not seven? This next approach will take all the triads in the key of C (C–Dm–Em–F–G–Am–Bdim) and use them over a Dm7 chord (Ex. 5). Each triad highlights different three-note combinations from the Dorian scale, and all of them sound different. Triads are clear structures that sound strong to our ears, and they can generate nice linear interest when played over one chord. Once again, all of this is 100% inside the scale. Ex. 5 is how each triad sounds over the track, and Ex. 6 is my attempt to improvise with them.
Ex. 5
Ex. 6
If we could find all these possibilities with triads, it's logical to make the structure a little bigger and take a similar approach with 7 chords, or in this case, arpeggios. Naturally, all the diatonic chords will work, but I'll limit this next idea to just Dm7, Fmaj7, Am7, and Cmaj7. I love this approach because as you move further away from the Dm7 shape, each new structure takes out a chord tone and replaces it with an extension. I notice that I usually come up with different lines when I'm thinking about different chord shapes, and this approach is a decent way to facilitate that. Ex. 7 is a good way to get these under your fingers. Just ascend one shape, shift into the next shape on the highest string, then descend and shift to the next on the lowest string.
Ex. 7
Ex. 8 is my improvisation using all four shapes and sounds, but I lean pretty heavily on the Am7.
Ex. 8
This last concept has kept me busy on the fretboard for the last five years or so. Check it out: You can take any idea that works over Dm7 and move the other diatonic chords. The result is six variations of your original lick. In Ex. 9 I play a line that is 4–1–b3–5 over Dm7 and then walk it through the other chords in the key. These notes are still in the key of C, but it sounds drastically different from playing a scale.
Ex. 9
In Ex. 10, I try to think about the shapes from the previous example, but I break up the note order in a random but fun way. The ending line is random but felt good, so I left it in.
Ex. 10
While all these concepts have been presented over a minor chord, you can just as easily apply them to any chord quality, and they work just as well in harmonic or melodic minor. Rewarding sounds are available right inside the harmony, and I am still discovering new ideas through these concepts after many years.
Though the above ideas won't necessarily be appropriate for every style or situation, they will work in quite a few. Developing any approach to the point that it becomes a natural extension of your playing takes considerable work and patience, so just enjoy the process, experiment, and let your ear guide you to the sounds you like. Even over just one chord, there is always something new to find.
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