
Rig Rundown: American Football

Inventive open tunings, offset time signatures, jangly Teles, and dream-machine pedals help illuminate the cinematic melodies and moods for the archetype of Midwest emo.

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In the guitar, Yvette Young found a refuge from the pressures of the world of classical music competition, and from parental expectations.

Photo by Eli Chavez

With the album Catharsis, the unique guitar visionary has reached a new creative zenith. But it wasnā€™t easy.

A tattoo of the word ā€œresilientā€ adorns both Yvette Youngā€™s collarbone and the T-shirts and masks that just recently sold out on her website. Thatā€™s an apt descriptor for Youngā€™s strong will. It served her well when, even with the meteoric rise to success of her band, Covet, the behind-the-scenes environment turned extremely toxic after a band memberā€™s behavior became erratic. Young is reluctant to say more about the matter, but she felt unsafe and trapped, and she wanted to quit the band sheā€™d started to instead either pursue a solo project or revisit the visual arts. (A former art teacher, she double-majored in fine arts and education at UCLA, and made money painting guitars, including one for WILLOW.)

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