
Rig Rundown: Diarrhea Planet

These party-rockinā€™ tone hunters plug their idiosyncratic axes into gifted Klons, helping them turn Music City into riff city.

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Rig Rundown: Los Bitchos' Serra Petale & Josefine Jonsson

How an Italia Speedster, a sturdy Jazz bass, and a little ā€œsad chorusā€ can kickstart an international dance party.

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Rig Rundown: Wolf Alice's Joff Oddie

Joff Oddie shows PG his own Jag-Master creation and then plasters it with pedals bending (and distorting) space and time.

Listening to the tidal wave in ā€œGiant Peach,ā€ the riotous ā€œMoaning Lisa Smile,ā€ or the punked-up ā€œPlay the Greatest Hits,ā€ itā€™s hard to imagine Wolf Alice as an acoustic duo. Then talk to Joff Oddie about his integral use of effectsā€”ā€œThese pedals can do such crazy things; to not do crazy things with things that can do crazy things seems oddā€ā€”and the bandā€™s origin story becomes even more improbable. But itā€™s true: Wolf Alice started with guitarist/singer Ellie Rowsell and guitarist Oddie playing acoustic-folk music during open-mic nights in North London pubs.

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