
Affordable Innovation: Squier's New Starcaster Deluxe & Tele Thinline
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Get a First Look at Squier's new Affinity models—the Starcaster Deluxe and Telecaster Thinline—two affordable guitars that offer unique designs and upgrade potential for players of all levels.

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With the Messthetics, Anthony Pirog is a melodic and harmonic wildcard, who has few peers in the scope and imagination he brings to the instrument.

Photo by David Avidan

The ultra-versatile guitarist shares his favorite boards for rock, improv, jazz, and roots gigs, and talks about the band’s dynamic new album, The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis.

The Messthetics overrun the barriers of genre—rock, jazz, textural music, and whatever else gets in their creative path—like the bulls of Pamplona. That is … if those bulls could musically pirouette direction and dynamics in an instant. Which, of course, they can’t, because bulls are exclusively vocalists, and of limited range, unless you also count the thundering of their hooves as percussion.

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This Bruno Royal Artist, with its matching accents on the pickguard, headstock, toggle, and pickup surrounds, is a much more savory monster than Dr. Frankenstein’s

A roadside stop in Massachusetts yielded a mysterious gem that hinted at a recombinant building operation.

This month, I’m proud to say that my wife and I are celebrating 20 years of marriage! Yes, she puts up with all my weirdness, but the gal is just the best, and I’m glad we found each other in this crazy world. Over the years, we’ve had a running joke about how, wherever we travel, I have to look up old music haunts or check out local classifieds for treasure.

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