
The 2018 CCL Deco Custom, in all its Pelham blue glory.

This reader solicited the help of his friend, luthier Dale Nielsen, to design the perfect guitar as a 40th-birthday gift to himself.

This is really about a guy in northern Minnesota named Dale Nielsen, who I met when I moved up there in 2008 and needed somebody to reglue the bridge on my beloved first guitar (a 1992 Charvel 625c, plywood special). Dale is a luthier in his spare timeā€”a Fender certified, maker of jazz boxes.

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Bohlinger Carves a Martin Neck

Watch PG's John Bohlinger take a swing at handshaping an acoustic neck. Plus, learn how Martin's master craftsman reverse engineers the company's gold-standard profiles from their most-heralded instruments.

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Introducing two new models handmade in Savannah, GA, the Voyager Standard and Voyager Custom.

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