multi fx

Fender Tone Master Pro Demo | First Look

John Bohlinger has a blast taking an extensive tour of Fender's ambitious, expansive, and intuitive Tone Master Pro modeler.

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This year’s highlights include an obsession with Lehle switchers, a literal charcuterie board repurposed into a stomp station, a pedalboard project to celebrate years of sobriety, and a guitarist who plays his wah like he’s riding a skateboard. Enjoy!

When it comes to the pedalboard puzzle of assembling your guitar toys into an order that works for you and your sound, putting it all together is an adventure. Each year, we love to play voyeur to approaches wide and far … and learn about obscure stomps we’ve never tried before. Enjoy!

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A decisively dank love letter to the fuzz/phase combo.

Phase and fuzz voices pair well. Simple controls. Radical neon looks.

More controls would open up more possibilities.


Fuzzrocious Electric Ocean


Pairing a phaser with a fuzz pedal dates to the halcyon days of stompbox invention. Hendrix's Fuzz Face and Uni-Vibe certainly set the stage. But by 1975, Roland packaged phaser and fuzz together in in the AP-7 Jet Phaser, which Larry Graham would use to drive his bass to heavier and funkier places.

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