
The Rage Against the Machine and Prophets of Rage bass hero shows us the dual-amp setup he uses to get huge tones with his WAKRAT project.

Tim Commerford is currently pulling double duty by touring with his new project Wakrat, which opens for his other project, Prophets of Rage. In spite of doing two soundchecks and two shows per night, Commerford was kind enough to meet with PGā€™s John Bohlinger to give us a look at his mighty rig.

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Wakrat is Tim Commerford (center) on bass, and French transplants Laurent Grangeon (left) on guitar,

and Mathias Wakrat (right) on drums.

Photo by Travis Shinn

The celebrated Rage Against the Machine and Prophets of Rage bassist explains how his other band's in-your-face, jazz-inspired music is making him play better than ever.

Tim Commerford's new band, Wakrat (pronounced ā€œwokrat"), recently staged a protest in London in response to the Brexit vote, where they attempted to establish the ā€œRepublic of Wakrat" by planting a flag in Parliament Square's center. Last year Commerford lit himself on fire in Future User's ā€œMountain Lion" video. Back in 2000 he climbed the stage scaffolding at the MTV Video Music Awards in objection to Limp Bizkit winning the Best Rock Video award over his then-band Rage Against the Machine. Simply put, Commerford is a fierce, honest individual who wears his heart on his sleeve and likes to shake up the establishment.

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