
A stereo multi-effects pedal collaboration between Walrus Audio and Yvette Young.

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Keep the giveaways rolling! Enter Stompboxtober Day 22 for your chance to win a pedal from Walrus Audio!

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Complex tremolo sounds combine in stereo fields that can sound more like underwater swimming than swamp-rocking.

Lovely washes of complex tremolo textures that can be spread across a stereo field. High-quality build. Useful stereo pan control. Practical boost control.

High depth settings could be more intense for some voices. Some harmonic/optical blends can be subtle, compromising their essence.


Walrus Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo


Among fellow psychedelic music-making chums in the ’90s, few tools were quite as essential as a Boss PN-2 Tremolo Pan. Few of us had two amplifiers with which we could make use of one. But if you could borrow an amp, you could make even the lamest riff sound mind-bending.

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