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First Look: J. Rockett El Hombre

J. Rockett El Hombre Overdrive Demo | First Look

Billy Gibbons tones are just the beginning in this drive with bite.

An overdrive offering amp-like feel and unique "Bite" control.

“This isn’t a copy of another circuit and it isn’t an amp in a box, but it may be our most versatile amp like feeling overdrive to date” says owner Chris Van Tassel. El Hombre is based off the legendary touch and tone of a certain long bearded Texan. “We set out to create a pedal that could capture amp-like sensitivity and really blend into your chain”. Chris continues “don’t be fooled by the simple controls."

When you bring the bite control up it becomes more aggressive, turn it down making it smoother and more reminiscent of Dumble tones. Push the gain and drop the volume for the smooth Carlton/Ford sounds. Bring the “Bite” control up and get a wide open “Plexi” feel”.