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Stompboxtober 2023 Day #18 - Truetone

Stompboxtober 2023 Day #18 - Truetone

You could win a Truetone VS-XO in today's Stompboxtober giveaway! Enter below.

Truetone V3 VS-XO Dual Overdrive Pedal

The Truetone V3 VS-XO Dual Overdrive Pedal is a stompbox pedal that has two overdrive channels. It has a 3-way Clipping switch, a 3-way Bass switch, and a Clean Mix knob. The right channel has pronounced mids without being honky.You also have the choice of internally switching the Pure Tone buffer on or off with each channel.If you use a switching system or want to change the order of effects, no problem… separate Ins and Outs allow for that. If you just want to plug one cable in and one out normally, you can do that too. And since we didn’t skimp on anything having to do with reliability, the VS-XO is covered by the Truetone Lifetime Warranty.
