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Beyond Blues - Oct. 15 Ex. 5

The new signature model from Adam Phillips features an Evertune bridge, Gotoh locking tuners, and VHC/Fire Ice humbuckers.

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The Semisonic frontman and multi-Grammy-winning cowriter joins this episode to talk creative processes and write an alt-country hit.

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This Teisco MJ-2, also known as an ET-200, comes with a tremolo, grinding surface-mounted pickups, and a deep V-shaped neck.

This guitar is the same model that belonged to Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks. Of course, the one that our columnist owns still has its whole body intact.

As the wind blows, so do my interests, and recently, I found myself taking a deep dive into the music of the Buzzcocks. That group was one of the early, legendary English punk bands. I was going through all the band’s recordings but I was really digging the group’s first EP from 1977, Spiral Scratch. That first record just has an incredibly raw guitar tone that has a familiar feel.

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